Some Peace Can Only Be Found on the Other Side of War
We are reminded by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesian church that we are at war with a very real enemy. Satan is relentless, deceptive, cunning, and cruel in his attempt to undermine the victory won by Jesus Christ at Calvary. He is “a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
However, Paul’s emphasis in Ephesians is not on the power of Satan in this “dark world,” but rather on the supremacy of Christ and his authority over every principality, ruler, and power of this dark age. And through Christ, God gives us divine authority and spiritual armor, to not only withstand the attacks of the enemy, but to push back the kingdom of darkness and overcome Satan.
The enemy is real, and his dominion rules over those that are lost in darkness. However, we have been reborn into the Kingdom of Light, and have been empowered to overcome the darkness and be victorious through Jesus Christ!
We need to push past the devil’s strategies of distraction, deception, and depression; and engage the darkness with the love and light of Jesus. We need authentic “Spiritual Warfare” that is rooted in prayer, but goes beyond prayer to take action against the works of the devil!
We are called “Overcomers” for a reason; you are already victorious in Christ!
Its time for us to stand and take action–empowered by the Holy Spirit to put on Christ–to overcome the darkness of our world. Its time to pull down demonic strongholds, demolish the works of the enemy, rush the gates of Hell, and declare the Kingdom of God!
Let’s All Armor Up, and Take a Stand!
Shalom in Christ,
Pastor Ken