Maranatha! – Come Lord Jesus

“He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’
Amen. Maranatha Jesus!”
– Revelation 22:20

During the first century, the early church faced a great deal of persecution from the Roman government and other non-believers—many were martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ. However, these oppressed believers held firmly to the great hope of the coming of the Lord.

Maranatha!”—an Aramaic word, meaning “the Lord is coming” or “come, O Lord”—became the common greeting among these early followers of Christ. They were constantly reminding and being reminded that the Lord is coming soon to establish His eternal kingdom. They drew great comfort from recognizing that their momentary trials and temporal suffering paled in comparison to the glorious resurrection and eternal reward that awaited them at the return of Christ.

More than ever, we need to reaffirm this most powerful truth—”Maranatha!” We need to remind ourselves and remind those around us that the Lord is Coming, and time is short. While it seems the world itself is under siege by the kingdom of darkness—violence, poverty, war, pollution, corruption, mass shootings, and blatant immorality—Jesus declared these to be birthing pangs that would signal his sudden and glorious return.

As believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are to live our lives in the light of the knowledge that He can come at any time. We should live expectant! We should live with eternity in clear focus, anticipating His return. Maranatha reminds us to keep our eyes on the eternal things of the Spirit.

To those who are discouraged today, Maranatha! To those who are worried today, Maranatha! To those who are overwhelmed and filled with anxiety, Maranatha! Take heart, Jesus Christ has overcome the world and is coming soon!

Maranatha Jesus!
Pastor Ken


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